Fritz Hendrik IV: Regnbogi hunds / Dog Rainbow
Fritz Hendrik IV (b. 1993) examens unconscious staging that characterizes life, arts and culture. Fritz also deals with the relationship between tradition and perception in his work. What do we know, how do we know, and what are we looking at?
In the exhibition Dog Rainbow, we explore the world through the eyes of a dog traveling in the back seat on a road trip in Iceland.
Am I not a good dog?
It might be in my blood to obey. It feels so natural to just sit in the back seat and let others be in control.i think it’s a form of self-preservation. Why express your views on small things in the grand scheme of things when you can just put your head out the window and stick your tongue out. Lull on in the flow of time, enjoy the view and allow the grey tones of carelessness to caress you.