Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir: Teikningar / Drawings - Hverfisgallerí
Untitled (Folded), 2013
saumspor, blýantur, arkitektapappírUntitled (Folded), 2013
seam stitches, pencil, calcpaper53.5 x 36.5 x 5 cm
Untitled (Tonight), 2013
pappír, saumspor, blýanturUntitled (Tonight), 2013
paper, seam stitches, pencil29,7 x 21 cm
Rauð saumspor, 2013
Paper, seam stitches, pencil, water colours, calcpaperRauð saumspor, 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
Án titils (Étude), 2013
útsaumur, blýantur, arkitektapappírUntitled (Étude), 2013
seam stitches, pencil, calcpaper53.5 x 36.5 x 5 cm
Án titils (Upphafspunktur), 2013
Paper, seam stitches, pencilUntitled (Starting Point), 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
365 Possibilities, 2013
pappír, saumspor, blýantur365 Possibilities, 2013
paper, seam stitches, pencil29,7 x 21 cm
Hátóhátíð, 2013
Paper, gouache, pencil, seam stitchesHátóhátíð, 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
Untitled (Within lines), 2013
Paper, seam stitches, pencilUntitled (Within lines), 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
Retouched- '98, 2013
Paper, coloring pen, seam stitches, pencil, gouacheRetouched- '98, 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
Retouched wool, 2013
Coloring pen, seam stitches, pencil, gouacheRetouched wool, 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
Snert ull, 2013
Paper, seam stitches, calcpaper, pencilTouched wool, 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
Untitled (Relations), 2013
Paper, seam stitches, pencilUntitled (Relations), 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
Untitled (Divers structures), 2013
Ink, seam stitches, pencil, paperUntitled (Divers structures), 2013
93.5 x 73 x 3 cm
Several positive emotions, 2012
pappír, saumspor, blýantur, gouacheSeveral positive emotions, 2012
paper, seam stitches, pencil, gouache83 x 63 x 3 cm
Counting leakings, 2013
gouache, blýanturCounting leakings, 2013
gouache, pencil108.5 x 73 x 3 cm
Untitled (Leftovers), 2013
pappír, saumspor, blýanturUntitled (Leftovers), 2013
paper, seam stitches, pencil29,7 x 21 cm
Restoration, 2013
Varnish layer of a photo sawn on paperRestoration, 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
2 Forms - unknown, 2013
gouache, saumspor, blýantur, gouache, trélitir2 Forms - unknown, 2013
gouache, seam stitches, pencil, gouache, coloring pencils25.4 x 24 x 2 cm
Untitled (Shadow), 2013
teikning, saumspor, blýanturUntitled (Shadow), 2013
drawing, seam stitches, pencil, paper29,7 x 21 cm
Án titils (Teygja), 2013
Paper, seam stitches, pencilUntitled (Elastic), 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
Tölustafir og saumspor, 2013
Drawing, seam stitches, pencil, paperNumbers and stitches, 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
Vanished drawing, 2012
Ink, seam stitches, pencilVanished drawing, 2012
ink, seam stitches, pencil29,7 x 21 cm
Án titils (Devoirs), 2013
Paper, seam stitches, pencil, coloring pencilsUntitled (Devoirs), 2013
29,7 x 21 cm
Ef við gefum okkur að til sé einhver grunnur að öllum greinum sjónlistanna verðum við að horfa til teikningarinnar. Arkitekt teiknar upp byggingu eins og hönnuður teiknar upp hluti sem hann vill smíða. Jafnvel setjari þarf að skipuleggja tímarit eða plakat með teikningu að leiðarljósi. Fátt, ef nokkuð, kemst í framkvæmd í greinum sjónlista ef ekki liggur þar teikning að baki.
Allt frá upphafi módernismans hefur eitt meginstef myndlistarmanna verið að glíma við grunnmynd eða efnisgrunn ákveðinna listmiðla eins og t.d. teikningar eða málverks. Hvati þeirra er þörfin til að þekkja eðli hluta og þótt hin heimspekilega spurning um eðli þeirra liggi ekki endilega í beinum orðum listamannsins þegar hann ræðst í sköpunarverk sitt, þá er hún engu að síður drifkraftur í þekkingarleit hans.
Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir er listamaður sem tekst á við efnisgrunn teikningarinnar. Það liggur ekki endilega ljóst fyrir í fyrstu hvort myndir hennar séu sprottnar úr hlutveruleikanum eða séu óhlutbundnar. Oft virðast þetta myndir af taugum eða vefum sem liggja þvers og kruss. Frumur sýnast á sveimi og kannski getur maður séð glitta í eitt eða annað líffæri, ef svo ber við. Einhverjar myndir kunna að vera tengdari hugsunum þar sem hún vinnur með mynstur og texta. Hvort sem er þá virðist hún sífellt vera að draga upp myndir af innviði líkama. Spurningin er hins vegar hvaða líkama hún er að teikna?
Hugsum okkur að teikning sé meira en bara mynd, rétt eins og að mannslíkaminn er meira en bara þrívítt form. Hann hefur ótrúlega flókið lífrænt kerfi sem er okkur jafn óskiljanlegt og það er dásamlegt.
Þannig sé ég myndir Guðnýjar Rósu. Líkt og líffræðingur grefur hún sig inn fyrir lög teikningarinnar. Hún sker í hold hennar, særir hana og blæðir og saumar svo aftur saman. Hver mynd verður eins og hluti af ferðalagi um lífrænt kerfi og geómetríska skipan teikningarinnar. Og þannig birtist okkur innviður líkama. Það er líkami teikningarinnar sjálfrar.
Jón B. K. Ransu
If we where to presume that there is one fundamental base for all disciplines of the visual arts and design, we would have to look towards drawing. The architect draws his first stage of a building, just as any designed object has been constructed from the drawing board. Even a magazine or a poster has been organized by a graphic designer through laws of drawing. There is in fact little, if anything, constructed in the visual arts and design, that doesn´t have its roots in drawing.
Since the beginning of modernism visual artist have struggled with understanding the essence of their medium, such as drawing and painting. In their explorations they are motivated by the existential need to understand the nature of things. And even though such a philosophical question may not be verbally in their mind as they craft their art, it is, never the less, a driving force for the artist in his quest for knowledge in his art.
Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir is an artist who explores the essence of drawing. It may not be clear to us, at first, whether to view her pictures as object reality or abstractions. Often they seem like drawings of nerves or tissues that criss-cross over each other or some microscophic cells that swim in bodily fluids. Perhaps one can see a glimpse of an organ or two, if ones imagination wanders in that direction, and some images may even lead us to a body of thoughts, since the artist works with patterns and text. Witch ever it may be, we are made to believe that the artist is portraying an infrastructure a body. The question is; what body is she drawing?
Let´s suppose that a drawing is more than just a two-dimensional picture, just like the human body is more than just a three-dimensional form. The body has an incredibly complex biological system that is as incomprehensible to us as it is wonderful.
In that way I see Guðný Rósa´s pictures. She is like a biologist that digs into the layers of the drawing. She cuts its flesh, wounds it, makes it bleed and sews it back together in order to get closer to its essence. Each picture or image becomes a part of an organic system and geometric structure of the drawing. We are then confronted with an infrastructure of a body. And it is the body drawing itself.
Jón B. K. Ransu