Hrafnkell Sigurðsson b. 1963
Hrafnkell Sigurðsson
Hrafnkell Sigurðsson (b. 1963) was born in Reykjavík, where he commenced his studies before proceeding in Maastricht, before moving to London in 1993. He completed his MFA at Goldsmiths College in 2002 before returning to Reykjavík in 2004.
During his early studies in Reykjavík Hrafnkell was already an active member of the experimental Rock group Oxsmá, which held concerts and performances and released two films about its activity. Oxsmá took an active part in the sensational post-punk scene in Reykjavík in the 1980s, which not only saw musicians like the Sugarcubes, for whom Hrafnkell designed several record covers, but also filmmakers, writers and visual artists. By the end of this period Hrafnkell decided to become a full-time artist. At the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht he found time and facilities to deepen his creative practice.
Since 1990 photography has been Hrafnkell Sigurðsson’s principal means, although his oeuvre comprises a variety of other media, including video, sculpture and installation. From 1993 to 2004 Hrafnkell lived and worked in London, where the distance from the roots allowed him focus progressively on projects concerning Iceland and its landscape as an example of the North. At the same time he travelled extensively and participated in exhibition projects, in Iceland and internationally.
Broadly Hrafnkell’s art deals with the shock of contrasts, between nature and culture, harsh nature and refined culture, human nature and inhuman culture, where symmetry and order confronts sublime, disorderly environment with its threatening inventions of virulent, non disposable waste. His aesthetic vision deals with the ultimate questions of survival where devastation is often wrapped in irresistible beauty.
In 2007 Hrafnkell Sigurðsson received the prestigious Icelandic Visual Art Award.
M.A. Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, London, UK
Jan Van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts, Reykjavik, Iceland
2021 RECONDESTRUCTION, Hverfisgallerí, Reykjavík
2020 Fæðing Guðanna / “FREEZE FRAME”, Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavík
2020 “Stillingar”, Einkasafnið, Eyjafjarðarsveit, Akureyri.
2018 “Resolution”, Hverfisgallerí, Reykjavík
2017 “Urban Mountains”, Alþýðuhúsið Siglufirði, Iceland
2016 Gallery 78, Reykjavík
2015 Neskirkja, Reykjavík
2014 HS 96-14, Arion Hq, Reykjavík
2014 i8 Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland
2014 Sweet Spin, Chinese European Art Center, Xiamen, People’s Republic of China
2013 Smíð / Fabrication, Menningarhúsið Skúrinn, installation at HB Grandi warehouse, Reykjavik, Iceland
2012 Galtaviti, Galtaviti Lighthouse, Iceland
2012 Port City, Hafnarborg – The Hafnarfjördur Centre of Culture and Fine Art, Iceland
2011 Auto Body, Part I, SIM, Reykjavik, Iceland
2010 Gallery Gabrielle Maubrie, Paris, France
2009 National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland Uplift, i8 Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland
2008 Prints of Body and Light, Gallerie Gabrielle Maubrie, Paris, France
2008 Vorverk, Gallerí Box, Akureyri, Iceland
2006 Statements, Paris Photo, The Louvre, Paris, France Sud sud vestur, Keflavík, Iceland
2005 i8 Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland
2004 SAFN Reykjavík, Iceland Banananas, Reykjavík, Iceland
2002 EFTA, Building, Brussels, Belgium
2001 Vivid Tents, Gallery i8, Reykjavík, Iceland
2000 Portrait-Project, Dyrid, Reykjavík, Iceland
1997 The Groucho Club, London, UK
1996 The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland Painted Landscape, Gallery i8, Reykjavik, Iceland
1993 Solon Islandus, Reykjavik, Iceland
1993 Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes, The Netherlands
1992 Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes, Iceland
1991 RUM 91, Lund ́s University, Lund, Sweden
1991 Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, The Netherlands
2018 “By Products”, Hverfisgallerí
2018 “Embody”, Gerðasafn, Kópavogur Municipal Museum, Iceland
2018 “Rolling Snowball 12”, Djúpivogur, Iceland
2018 “The Journey Home”, Reykjavík Arts Festival
2017 “Other Hats” Icelandic printmaking. IPCNY – International Print Center, New York
2016 Rolling Snowball 7, Djúpivogur, Iceland
2016 Trekking in Time, Ystad Konstmuseum, Ystad, Sweden.
2016 Borrowed Time, Scandinavia House, New York
2016 Borrowed Time, United Nations, New York
2016 Fólk, Akureyri Art Museum, Iceland
2015 Shadows, The Nothing Gallery, Valparaiso, Chile
2015 Rolling Snowball 6, Djúpivogur, Iceland
2015 Saga Island, Art & Narrative, Icelandic National Gallery. Reykjavík Saga Island
2015 Art & Narrative, Kumu Art Museum, Tallin, Estonia
2014 Fljotandi, Ystad Konstmuseum, Ystad, Sveden
2014 Rolling Snowball 5, Djúpivogur, Iceland
2014 Places, Kalkþörungaverskmiðjan, Bíldudalur, Iceland
2014 Your Compound View – Selection from the collection 1970-2010, Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland.
2014 Island – Kunst und Narration, Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Recklinghausen, Germany
2013 Pathway, Rovaniemi Art Museum, Rovaniemi, Finland Pathway, Oulu Art Museum, Oulu, Finland
2011 Frontiers of Another Nature – Contemporary Photographic Art form Iceland, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt,
2011 Three Parts Whole, i8 Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland (curated by Gregory Volk)
2010 City States, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, UK
2010 Alternative Eye, Reykjavik Art Museum – Kjarvalsstaðir, Reykjavík, Iceland
2010 Spatial Reverberations, Pavel Haus, Bad Radkersburg, Austria
2010 Old News, Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
2010 Skríllinn Gegn Ákæruvaldinu, Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
2009 Dreams of the Sublime and Nowhere, Kunsti Museum of Modern Art, Vaasa, Finland
2009 Hidden Treasures, National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
2008 Ferdalag / Journey, Eidar Art center / Reykjavík Art Festival, Iceland
2008 Les Boréales, 5 Icelandic Artists, Frac-BN, France
2008 Dreams of the Sublime and Nowhere in Icelandic Contemporary Art, Kjarvalsstadir, Reykjavik, Iceland
2008 Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium
2008 Iceland on the Edge, Bozar Expo, Brussels, Belgium
2007 Deja Vu, Casino of Dunkerque, France
2007 Lanzarote Ensuentro Biennale
2007 Sjónlist / Icelandic Visual Arts Awards, Akureyri Art Museum, Iceland
2007 Spazi aperti, Rumenian Academy, Rome, Italy
2007 Weather Report, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), Los Balcones, Las Palmas, Spain
2007 Ingenuity – Photography and Engineering 1846-2006, Temporary Exhibitons Gallery, Calouste Gulbenkian
2007 Foundation, Lisbon / BOZAR EXPO, Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium
2006 Sequences – real time art festival, Reykjavik, Iceland Relative Warm, Reykjavik Academy, Iceland
2006 Cold climate, Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland Eiland, Grotta, Seltjarnarnes, Iceland
2006 Images of the North, Reykjavik Academy, Iceland
2006 The Suspended Moment, the MARCO, Vigo, Spain Art Centre
2006 Tadu in Bangkok, Thailand
2006 Art centre Z33 in Hasselt, Belgium
2006 Centraal Museum Utrecht, the Netherlands
2005 The Suspended Moment, Crac Alsage, Altkirch, France
2005 Ten days on the Island, Stanley, Tasmania
2005 Brief Encounter, Reykjavik Academy, Iceland
2004 Ice, MDD. Museum, Deurle, Belgium
2004 Cold Climates, apt Gallery, London, UK
2004 Nordisk Panorama film festival, Reykjavik, Iceland
2003 I’m Desperate, Love me!, Catto contemporary, London, UK
2003 Archetype Gallery, Brussels
2002 Nordic Photography, Gallery Elba Benitez, Madrid, Spain
2002 XXVII Biennial De Pontevedra, Pontevedra, Spain
2002 Kopavogur Municipal Museum, Iceland
2002 Confronting Nature, Tretyakov Museum Moscow, Russia
2000 Icelandic Photography, Moskva House of Photography, Moscow, Russia
2000 Center of Attention, London, UK
2001 Icelandic Art, O Art Museum, Shinagava, Tokyo, Japan
2001 Confronting Nature, Icelandic Art of the 20th Century, Corcoran Gallery, Washington D.C., USA
2001 Milano Europe, Palazzo della Triennale, Milano, Italy
2001 Go Europe, Museum of Photography, Brunswick, Australia
2000 The Epal Project, Epal, Reykjavík, Iceland
2000 Árátta, Gerdarsafn, Kópavogur Municipal Museum, Iceland
2000 En Dehors des Cartes, Centre Régional d ́art Contemporain Séte, France
1999 Landscapes, National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
1999 Off the Map, Gerdarsafn / Kópavogur Municipal Museum, Kopavogur, Iceland
1998 Hunting of the Snark, The living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
1998 Nirvana, The Window Gallery, British Embassy, Prague, Czech Republic
1998 Lundur, Lunds Konsthall, Lund, Sweden
1998 Summer Exhibition, Listasafn Reykjavíkur / Reykjavík Municipal Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
1997 Recent Acquisitions, Listasafn Íslands / National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland
1996 Visions of Nature, Listasafn Reykjavíkur / Reykjavík Municipal Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
1994 Icelandic Arts Festival, St Catharines Dock, London, UK
1993 Verk, Butlers Wharf, London, UK
1992 Iceland-Holland, The Water Tower, Vlissingen, The Netherlands
1991 View indicator, Gallery Van Den Berge, Goes, The Netherlands
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal
FRAC Collection, Normandy, France
Bank of America, USA
Goetz Collection, Munich, Germany
H&F Collection, The Netherlands
Kopavogur Municipal Museum
Iceland Living Art Museum Reykjavik
Iceland National Gallery of Iceland
Reykjavik Municipal Museum, Iceland
Safn, Reykjavik, Iceland
2007 The Icelandic Visual Award
Ár•farvegur // Stream•bed
Anna Maggý, Kristinn E. Hrafnsson, Vikram Pradhan & Hrafnkell Sigurðsson 13 Jan - 18 Feb 2024The exhibition Stream• bed invites visitors to step into a world where the micro and the macro meet, in time and space of human and earthly life. Millennia and moments...Read more -
Hrafnkell Sigurðsson
Endurafbygging / Recondestruction - Hverfisgallerí 20 Nov 2021 - 2 Dec 2022Recondestruction / Endurafbygging Allan janúar 2021 dvaldi ég á Siglufirði við skriftir. Vann í matsalnum á Hótel Siglunesi og bjó í íbúð marokkó-kokksins góða. Allar fjórar vikurnar var sama veðrið,...Read more -
Hrafnkell Sigurðsson
UPPLAUSN / RESOLUTION - Hverfisgallerí 26 May - 11 Aug 2018Forsenda þessara verka hófst í óljósri hugmynd, sem kalla mætti tilfinningu. Tilfinningu sem var allt í senn óræð, dimm og djúp. Tilfinningin tengist auðum fleti, einhvers konar prenti. Hvað liggur...Read more