Guðmundur Thoroddsen Icelandic, b. 1980
Guðmundur Thoroddsen
Gudmundur Thoroddsen (b. 1980) graduated with BA-degree from Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2003 and an MFA-degree from School of Visual Arts in New York in 2011.
Gudmundur has taken part in many group and solo exhibitions in Iceland, New York and Europe. Solo’s include Father´s Fathers in 2012, Hobby and Work in 2013 and Dismantled Spirits in 2016 at Asya Geisberg Gallery and Colorsynthesis in Reykjavik Art Museum. His work has been reviewed in publications such as Artforum, The New York Times, Time Out New York, Twin Magazine and Dazed Digital. He is the recipient of numerous grants and he was nominated for the Icelandic Art Prize 2019 for the solo exhibition SNIP SNAP SNUBBUR in Hafnarborg.
2011 MFA- gráða í myndlist frá School of Visual Arts, New York.
2006 Kvikmyndafræði við Háskóla Íslands.
2005-6 Gestanemandi hjá Katharinu Grosse við Kunsthochschule Berlin, Weissensee.
2003 BFA- gráða úr myndlistadeild Listaháskóla Íslands.
2000 Stúdentspróf frá myndlistadeild Fjölbrautaskólans í Breiðholti.
2024 Skriður / Drifts, Þula, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2022-23 Kannski, kannski / Maybe, maybe Hverfisgallerí, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2021 Howling Hills, Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York, NY.
2020 Houndshills, Houndshollows, Hverfisgallerí. Reykjavík, Iceland.
2019 Earth to Earth, Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York, NY.
2018 SNIP SNAP SNUBBUR, Hafnarborg, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland.
2018 Allt í klessu, Harbinger, Reykjavik, Iceland.
2017 Tittlingaskítur, Hverfisgallerí, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2016 Dismantled Spirits í Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York, NY.
2016 Untitled Miami. Einkasýning á listamessu, Miami, FL.
2015 Á heimavelli, Týsgallerí, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2014 Hlutir, Listasafni ASÍ, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2014 NADA Artfair, einkasýning á listamessu, New York, NY.
2013 Hobby and Work, Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York, NY.
2012 Fornvinir, Kunstschlager, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2012 Hlandvættir, ÞOKA (Gallerí), Reykjavík, Iceland.
2012 Father’s Fathers, Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York, NY.
2011 Feður Kúka, Gallerí Klósett, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2008 Neðangarðs, Ibiza Bunker, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2008 Sullur, Lost Horse gallery, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2007 Rjómaísland, 101 gallery, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2025 Þverskurður / Cross Section, Þula, IS
2023-24 Some Recent Works- New Acquisitions, National Gallery of Iceland, IS
2023 Future Fair, New York, NY.
2021 Iðavöllur: Icelandic Art In The 21st Century, Reykjavík Art Museum, IS
2019 Untitled Art Fair, Miami, FL.
2018 Young Icelandic Art, Bredgade Kunsthandel, curated by Lars Olesen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2017 Morph, Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York, NY.
2016 Í drögum, Listasafni Akureyrar, Ketilshúsi.
2015 Around Flat, The Knockdown Center, New York, NY.
2015 Nýmálað II, Listasafni Reykjavíkur, Kjarvalsstöðum.
2015 Ð-Salur, Kunstschlager, Listasafni Reykjavíkur, Hafnarhúsi.
2015 Reykjavik Stories, Quartair, Den Haag, Hollandi.
2015 Culturescapes, Ausstellungsraum, Basel, Sviss.
2014 Vara-litir, Hafnarborg, Hafnarfirði.
2013 Untitled Art Fair, Miami, FL.
2013 Lög unga fólksins, Listasafni Reykjanesbæjar, Reykjanesbæ.
2013 LOVE, The Willows, Brooklyn, New York, NY.
2012 Untiled Art Fair, Miami, FL.
2012 SiteLab, 54 Jefferson, Grand Rapids, MI.
2012 Festisvall, Nútímalist, Reykjavík.
2011 Úlfur, Úlfur, Listasal Mosfellsbæjar, Mosfellsbæ.
2011 This is Then, DODGE Gallery, New York, NY.
2011 Fragmentation, DODGE Gallery, New York, NY.
2011 Things Fall Apart, SVA Gallery, New York, NY.
2010 Ljóslitlífun, Listasafni Reykjavíkur, Hafnarhúsinu.
2010 The Garden Project, Kling og Bang, Reykjavík.
2010 G+A+M+A, Gallerí Crymo, Reykjavík.
2010 Duck and Decorated Shed, Nurture Art Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
2007 Nói át, Nýlistasafninu, Reykjavík.
2007 Hérna, here, hier, Hangar-7, Salzburg, Austurríki.
2006 Heimsendasýning, Danziger Gallerie, Danzigerstrasse 143, Berlín.
2006 Nuevo Estoccolmo, Lunas Kulturhus, Södertälje, Svíþjóð.
2006 Likimain, The Jetty Barracks gallery, Suomenlinna í Helsinki, Finnlandi.
2005 Tívolí, Listasafni Árnesinga, Hveragerði.
2005 Grassroad, grasrótarsýningin 2005 í Nýlistasafninu, Reykjavík.
2004 Norður og Niður, í Norræna húsinu, Reykjavík.
2003 Útskriftarsýning LHÍ, Listasafni Reykjavíkur, Hafnarhúsinu, Reykjavík.
2019 TimeOut Magazine, The top five New York art shows this week. Howard Hallel.
2019 Art Zine, Snip Snap Snubbur: A Shift in Guðmundur Thoroddsen’s Practice. Ana Victoria Bruno.
2018 Kunst Magazine, Young Icelandic Art. Elsa Fanney Jonsdottir.
2018 The Icelandic Times, Guðmundur Thoroddsen and Eric Smith in Hafnarborg – Exhibition.
2017 Art Zine, Titles in the Neighborhood Gallery. Jon Proppé.
2016 Whitehot Magazine, Nada vs. Untitled: A Battle on the Beach. Paul Laster.
2016 Artforum, Guðmundur Thoroddsen. Johanna Fateman.
2016 New York Magazine, Gudmundur Thoroddsen: Dismantled Spirits. Jerry Saltz.
2016 Time Out New York, Gudmundur Thoroddsen: Dismantled Spirits. Michael Wilson.
2016 Hyperallergic, Jillian Steinhauer.
2016 The Observer, Paul Laster.
2016 Art F City, Paddy Johnson.
2015 Twin Magazine, issue XII, Kate Neave.
2015 Revolt Magazine, vol. 2, issue 1.
2015 Nýmálað, sýningarskrá. Listasafn Reykjavíkur.
2015 Reykjavik Stories, sýningarskrá fyrir samnefnda sýningu í Hollandi.
2014 The New York Times, Pope Chairs and Carpets at NADA NYC Art Fair. Martha Schwendener.
2014 Phaidon, Our Higlights from NADA New York.
2014 Dazeddigital, The most prominent spots at Frieze New York. Francesca Gavin.
2014, Top 10 Contemporary Artists working with Ceramics. Francesca Gavin.
2013 Time Out New York, Gudmundur Thoroddsen, Hobby and Work.
2013, Serious Clowning Around. Aldrin Valdez.
2013 Shrimp peels and Hair, Dirty Doodles and Hoops. Tony Mangle.
2013 Blouin Art Info, One-line Reviews. Eileen Kinsella.
2013 Morgunblaðið. Það er spriklandi líf í málverkinu. Einar Falur Ingólfsson.
2013 Lög unga fólksins. Sýningarskrá. Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson og Sigrún Sandra Ólafsdóttir. Listasafn Reykjanesbæjar.
2012 Two Coats of Paint. Tatiana Berg reports from the satellite fairs. Tatiana Berg.
2012 Michigan Live, ArtPrize 2012 juried Top 25 short list.
2012 WOOD TV8 Grand Rapids, The Short List: Some of the Top 25 and the Finalists for the 2D Juried Award.
2012 WWMT Newschannel3 Grand Rapids, Art Prize to Release Must-See Shortlist.
2012 Víðsjá, Mynlistargagnrýni. Hlynur Helgason.
2012 Víðsjá, Mynlistargagnrýni. Magnús Örn Sigurðsson.
2012 Fréttablaðið, Karlmannlegt piss. Þóroddur Bjarnason.
2012 Iceland Review Online, The Silliness of Men: Hlandvættir. Katharina Hauptmann.
2012 Gudmundur Thoroddsen. Genevieve Allison.
2012 Time Out New York, Gudmundur Thoroddsen: “Father’s Fathers” The gods are brought down to earth. Jennifer Coates.
2012 Brooklyn Rail, Gudmundur Thoroddsen “Father’s Fathers” Paolo Javier.
2011 Íslensk listasaga, frá síðari hluta 19. aldar til upphafs 21. aldar. Listasafn Íslands og Forlagið.
2011 Treystið okkur! Við erum myndlistarmenn. Ritstj. Arna Óttarsdóttir, Kristín Rúnarsdóttir, Kolbrún Ýr Einarsdóttir, Þorgerður Ólafsdóttir. Crymogea.
2010 Ljóslitlífun. Sýningarskrá. Ritstj. Hafþór Yngvason. Listasafn Reykjavíkur.
2009 /Younger Than Jesus/ Artist Directory. Gioni Massimiliano, Laura Hoptman og Lauren Cornell. Phaidon Press.
2007 Art Investor, Coole Kunst des Nordens. Evelyn Pschak.
2007 HangART-7 Editon 8, Island. Hérna. Sýningarskrá. Ritstj. Sonja Gruber, Lioba Reddeker, Barbara Rudiger and Erwin Uhrmann. Basis-Wien – Kunst, Information und Archiv.
2005 Tívolí í Hveragerði. Sýningarskrá. Ritstj. Markús Þór Andrésson og Þuríður Sigurðardóttir. Listasafn Árnesinga.
2019 Nomination for the Icelandic Art Prize for the solo exhibition SNIP SNAP SNUBBUR.
2017 Listamannalaun.
2016 Verkefnastyrkur Myndstefs.
2016 Styrkur frá Kynningarmiðstöð Íslenskrar Myndlistar.
2016 Listamannalaun.
2014 Verkefnastyrkur Myndstefs.
2014 Listamannalaun.
2013 Listamannalaun.
2012 Vinnustofudvöl í The Fountainhead Residency, Miami, FL.
2012 Listamannalaun.
2012 Styrkur frá Kynningarmiðstöð Íslenskrar Myndlistar.
2011 Styrkur frá Kynningarmiðstöð Íslenskrar Myndlistar.
2011 Verkefnastyrkur Myndstefs.
2010 Námsstyrkur úr Styrktarsjóði Guðmundu Andrésdóttur.
2006 Ferðastyrkur Sleipnis.
2003 Styrkur frá Ungu Fólki í Evrópu.
Group show
Þverskurður / Cross Section 22 Feb - 6 Apr 2025Þverskurður / Cross Section is a group exhibition that brings together works by ten artists represented by Þula, each with a unique approach to materials and media. The exhibition highlights...Read more -
Guðmundur Thoroddsen
Skriður // Drifts 6 Apr - 19 May 2024Skriður // Drifts Note: The Icelandic word skriða holds multiple meanings, e.g., landslide, avalanche, drift, flow, and crawl to name a few. In this text we will use the word...Read more -
Guðmundur Thoroddsen
Kannski kannski / Maybe, Maybe - Hverfisgallerí 12 Nov 2022 - 7 Jan 2023Kannski, kannski Í nýjustu verkum Guðmundar Thoroddsen hefur hann sagt skilið við huldar tilvísanir – kannski þetta , kannski hitt – og áþreifanleg hugtök. Þess í stað sækja málverkin enn...Read more -
Guðmundur Thoroddsen
Houndshills, Houndshollows - Hverfisgallerí 6 Jun - 8 Aug 2020It is possible to buy a beer called Hundur, the English translation being: Dog. It is in a can, with a yellow label, it is organic. If you look closer...Read more -
Guðmundur Thoroddsen
Tittlingaskítur - Hverfisgallerí 30 Sep - 28 Oct 2017The world we encounter in Thoroddsen’s cut out pictures is strange but striking. We see odd men wandering about in a directionless space, some wearing suits and others in their...Read more
Guðmundur Thoroddsen at Oakland University Art Gallery
January 16th - March 30, 2025 March 4, 2025This exhibition explores the artistic interpretations of dusk, twilight, and night, emphasizing the shift in perception and the emergence of sublimity as daylight fades. Curated...Read more -
Guðmundur Thoroddsen opens at Asya Geisberg Gallery
September 6th – October 26th, 2024 September 14, 2024In “Up and Down,” Icelandic artist Guðmundur Thoroddsen presents Rorschach-like paintings that segue back and forth from micro to macro. Lichen, fungus or rot simultaneously...Read more
Market Art Fair 2024
Stockholm, Sweden 17 - 19 May 2024For Market Art Fair 2024 Þula presents a duo-booth, exhibiting works by Guðmundur Thoroddsen and Sunneva Ása Weisshappel. Guðmundur Thoroddsen (b. 1980) is an Icelandic...Read more -
CHART Art Fair 2023
Copenhagen, Denmark 25 - 27 Aug 2023For CHART Art Fair 2023 a group of 3 artists were representing the booth, Kristín Morthens, Auður Lóa Guðnadóttir and Anna Maggý all of them...Read more