Auður Lóa Guðnadóttir Icelandic, b. 1993

Auður Lóa Guðnadóttir

Auður Lóa Guðnadóttir (b. 1993) lives and works in Reykjavík. She is an artist who explores the boundaries between the subjective and the objective, sculpture and drawing, art and reality. Her subjects are everyday objects and figurative imagery, drawing from both ancient and recent history. Auður Lóa aims to activate the artworks themselves, always considering them as phenomena within their own social context. Auður Lóa focuses on painted papier-mâché sculptures, and this rough and unruly material gives her work a humorous and distinctive character. By using this seemingly lightweight medium, she achieves unexpected depth and offers an unconventional perspective on her subjects.


Auður Lóa graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the Iceland University of the Arts in 2015. Since then, she has worked independently, collaborated with other artists, and participated in exhibitions such as Leikfimi at The Icelandic Folk and Outsider Art Museum, Djúpþrýstingur at the Living Art Museum, and Allt á sama tíma at Hafnarborg. She received the Visual Arts Council’s Encouragement Award in 2018 for her involvement in and curating of the exhibition Diana, Forever. In spring 2021, she opened her first major solo exhibition, Yes / No, in D salur of the Reykjavík Art Museum, which featured over 100 papier-mâché sculptures. Auður Lóa’s works were on view at CHART Art Fair in Copenhagen in 2023. Her recent solo exhibitions include Forvera at the Akureyri Art Museum, Be Mine at Þula in 2022, Í lausu lofti at Gallerí Úthverfa, and Í rósrauðum bjarma / In Watermelon Sugar at Þula in 2024.

2012-2015              B.A. Iceland Academy of the Arts, Fine Arts
2014                          B.A. Académie des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, Exchange studies
2009-2012             High School Diploma Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti, Art Department
Solo exhibitions
2024              In Watermelon Sugar, Þula 
2024              Í lausu lofti, Gallery Úthverfa / Reykjavík Art Festival
2022              Be Mine, Þula Gallery
2022              Predecession, Akureyri Art Museum
2021               Congratulations, Kompan, Alþýðuhúsið, Siglufjörður
2021                Yes / No, Reykjavík Art Museum
2019                Everything at the Same Time, Hafnarborg museum
2019                 Leikfimi, Safnasafnið / The Icelandic Folk and Outsider Art Museum
2017                 Mythologies, Pláss, Reykjavík
Group exhibions
2025.             Þverskurður / Cross Section, Þula 
2023              Afmæli, Akureyri Art Museum
2023              Re-Clutter, Epal
2021                Brúnn, Bleikur, Banani, Gallery Port
2021                Lions in the Grass, Staðir / Places
2019                Varðað, Ásmundarsalur
2019                Performance series, The Little Sandwich factory, Lunga festival
2018                Harbinger, Reykjavík
2018                Röstin, Sauðaneshús, Langanes
2018                Pressure of the Deep, The Living Art Museum
2017                 Diana Forever, Gallery Port, Ekkisens og Mengi
2017                 Summer, Listasafn Akureyrar
2016                 Meðvirkni - Þá það, Harbinger, Reykjavík
2016                  109 Cats in Sweaters, Ekkisens Art Space
2015                  Still Life, Reykjavík Art Museum
2015                  Icelandic Academy of the Arts - Graduation Exhibition,
Reykjavík Art Museum
Art fairs
2023               Killing Kærlighed / Kitten Love, CHART Art Fair / Tivoli
Other Projects
2024               Curator, Jóladagatalið, The Living Art Museum
2023-             Teacher, Iceland Academy of the Arts / The Reykjavík School of Visual Arts
2021-2023.    Illustrator, Myndlist á Íslandi publication
2021                  Illustrator, Art in Iceland magazine
2019-2021       Curator and Illustrator, Living off this land, Sauðaneshús museum
2018                   Founder and project manager of Röstin Residency
2018-2021        Board member, Living Art Museum
2017-2018         Illustrator, History of Skyr, Erpsstaðir
2017                    Curator, Diana forever, Exhibition in Ekkisens, Gallery Port and Mengi
2015                     Props and set designer, Mæja’s Theory, Play by Mariann Hansen
2014-2015          Intern to artist Ragnar Kjartansson
Residencies, Grants and awards
2022                    Artists' salary, 9 months
2021                      Myndlistarsjóður, grant
2021                      Artists' salary, 6 months
2021                      Myndlistarsjóður, grant
2020                     Húsið, residency
2020                     Artists' salary, 3 months
2019                       Myndlistarsjóður, grant
2018                       Motivational award, Icelandic Arts Council
2016                        International artist in residence, MART gallery, Dublin
2015                        Erasmus Internship Grant
2013                        Erasmus Student Mobility Grant
2012                        Awards for outstanding academic achievement in Art, Art History, English, Danish and Icelandic, Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti
Art Fairs