Kristín Morthens Icelandic, b. 1992

Kristín Morthens

Kristín Morthens' paintings deal with boundaries, intimacy and seperation through narratives of limb-like figures in abstract spaces. These subjects often perform a gesture of almost-touching, reaching out or pulling in, either toward themselves or between each other. The focus of physicality is repeated through layering techniques using materials such as oil, spray paint, dry pastels, sand and charcoal. The contrasting surfaces highlight notions of boundaries and materialism. 



Artist CV


2024   Axis / Öxull (with Scott Everingham), Þula, Reykjavik, Iceland

2023   Andrými á hafsbotni / Air Under Water, Þula, Reykjavik, Iceland

2022   Að snerta uppsprettu, Listval, Reykjavik, Iceland

2021   Gegnumtrekkur, Þula, Reykjavik, Iceland

2019   Armar, GK Reykjavík, Reykjavik, Iceland 

Það sem fer í hring, Gallerí Port, Reykjavik, Iceland

Introducing Kristín Morthens, Christopher Cutts, Toronto, Canada

I Followed a Spiral, It Felt Like a Loop, Angell Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2016   Feeling Blessed, Algera Stúdíó, Reykjavik, Iceland 



2025       Þverskurður / Cross Section, Þula, Reykjavík, Iceland
2024       Unknown Benevolence, Hafnarborg, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
D-vítamín / Vitamin D, Reykjavík Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland

2023   Ný aðföng, National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland

2021   Samsýning 2021-vol.1, Þula, Reykjavik, Iceland 

2020   Jólamarkaður Þulu, Þula, Reykjavik, Iceland 

Gleðileg jól, Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavik, Iceland

Stuttgart Art Walk, Stuttgart, Germany

Samsýning í Flæði, Flæði, Reykjavik, Iceland 

2019   Port IV, Gallery Port, Reykjavik, Iceland

Summer Group Exhibition, Galerie Youn, Montreal, Canada

Nothing Something, Ada Slaight Gallery, Toronto, Canada

From The Edge of the World, Ekkisens, Reykjavik, Iceland 

2018   Le Grand Salon de Noël, Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavik, Iceland 

Á Snærum, Gallery Port, Reykjavik, Iceland

Ung Islandsk Kunst, Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen, Denmark

Synthetic Shorelines, Durden&Ray, Los Angeles, Bandaríkin

Sugar Wounds no.2, Ármúli 7, Reykjavik, Iceland 

Sugar Wounds no.1, Ármúli 7, Reykjavik, Iceland

Sex Self, Ekkisens, Reykjavik, Iceland

Fresh Paint / New Construction, Art Mûr, Montreal, Canada

Painters Make Better Lovers, Northern Contemporary, Toronto, Canada

Gradex, OCAD University, Toronto, Canada

Simmer 2, 165 Geary Ave, Toronto, Canada

Festival of the Body, OCAD University, Toronto, Canada 

 2017  Háflæði, Harpa, Reykjavik, Iceland

Negative Space, Ada Slaight Gallery, Toronto, Canada

Festival of the Body, OCAD University, Toronto, Canada 

2016   Áferð, Gallery Port Reykjavik, Iceland

Festival of the Body, OCAD University, Toronto, Canada 

2015   Algera Fiesta Flow, Algera, Reykjavik, Iceland

2014   Túban, Gamla Stofan, Reykjavik, Iceland 

2013   Háflæði, Harpa, Reykjavik, Iceland 

Hávaði, Kaffistofan, Reykjavik, Iceland

2012   Ainda É Preciso, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

Poluição Eleitoral, Puxadinho, São Paulo, Brazil 

Vinnslan 1, Norðurpóllinn, Seltjarnarnes, Iceland

Útskriftarsýning Fjölbrautaskólans Í Breiðholti, Brimhúsið, Reykjavik, Iceland

Svart-Hvítt, Artíma Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland 



2024   Art Toronto, Toronto, Canada

2021   CHART Art Fair (Solo booth), Copenhagen, Denmark

2020   Art Toronto, Toronto, Canada

2019   Art Miami, Miami, USA 

Foire Papier, Montreal, Canada 

2018   Art Toronto, Toronto, Canada 



2024   Muggur Arts Fund
2024   Icelandic Visual Arts Fund
2024   Icelandic Visual Arts Fund
2022   Muggur Arts Fund
2018   Mrs. W. O. Forsyth Award

Icelandic Art Center for Sugar Wounds 

2016   Curry’s Art Store Prize

2015   Helen Eisen Scholarship 


2018   BFA, OCAD University, Toronto, Canada

2016   BFA exchange, School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA

2012   Fjölbrautarskólinn í Breiðholti, Reykjavik, Iceland



2025   CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Spain

2022   Arte Ventura, Andalusia, Spain



The National Gallery of Iceland
Reykjavík Art Museum
Central Bank of Iceland
Eimskipafélag Íslands
Fjölbrautarskólinn í Breiðholti

Art Fairs